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G-Day Mate!

Posted on Apr 2, 2007 by in Baby, Decorating, Family | 3 comments

I just wanted to drop a quick note from Australia! My vacation is almost done and I have had a great time cuddling, changing, burping and loving on my niece! I will post more details after Easter! But in the meantime, here are a few pictures!!!


  1. So sweet! Did you guys craft those letters they look so cute. Can’t wait to see more!

  2. Yes! My sister was just wanting to paint them pink but then I said, NO…. you MUST alter them. She had no clue what I was talking about, so we got some different stickers etc and then when we got home from the craft store I went on 2Peas and showed her examples. She was amazed and so pleased with how her creation turned out! I love teaching my sister something she doesn’t know, lol!

  3. Oh you are so smart! They are stinking cute!!! You did a great job I am just thinking that would be a good baby gift for my sister and her new baby boy.